Category Archives: Fruit

Dark Fruit Pudding (Rote Gruetze)

This is my all time favorite pudding/porridge. In Germany it’s served with vanilla pudding poured over the top.  It’s wonderful with cottage cheese or over angel food cake.

ROTE GRUETZE (Literally Red Groats)
1.25# red fruit of your choosing. I like blueberries (superfood!) and strawberries or the 3 berry blend from Sams/Aldi
1 c vodka/rum/sweet vermouth (vermouth is cheapest)
1/2 or so cup of sugar or splenda depending on tartness of berries.
1/4 c or so cornstarch
Some water to keep them from burning to bottom of pan.

You can use fresh or frozen. Boil until somewhat mushy, then finish them off with a potato masher.  Add sugar and booze.  If you haven’t added much liquid, mix the cornstarch into about 1/2 c of water (temper it), then into pudding. If pudding is already liquidy, siphon out about 1/2 c and let it cool (add ice cubes if you need) and temper the cornstarch into that.

Once it’s thickened, add the booze.  If you need to take the edge off, don’t cook too long, LOL.  This works great over whole wheat waffles for breakfast (just remember to cook the booze off, hic)


Posted by on October 31, 2011 in desserts, Fruit, Pruett's Cruet